
Credit where Credit’s Due

I couldn’t do this website without the following people & organisations

Family Friends & Allies

Huge thanks to all my family & friends for sending various gifts & cards and keeping me going through these rocky times!

Steveo – a good buddy of mine who runs a site called Monk Mentality. Hope to do some collaborations with at some point!

NHS – Mega appreciation goes out to all the medical staff from A&E, Diagnosis through Treatment without whom I would not be alive today!

Media – Artwork & Photos

All content is used with permission or under the GNU/GPL

  • laspinter – DeviantArt – Concept Landscape 3 HD – Cheers!
    Amazing artist from Hungary with lots of inspiring drawings & artwork, please check his DeviantArt page for wonderful mythical & fantasy works
  • AngryRabbitGmoD – DeviantArt – Hazmat (RS6Siege) artwork – Thank you!
    Please check his DeviantArt page for gaming related artwork & pictures
  • Pexels – Various photos under their free licensing model


  • WordPress – the back end content management system to this website
  • Apostrophe 2 – Theme used for this website